Asbestos Cases

Mesothelioma is cancer in the lining of the lung (the mesothelium). Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos, which can be limited and almost always occurs 20 to 40 years before the diagnosis occurs.

Understanding the Cause of Mesothelioma

Asbestos is a mineral that was used prior to the 1970s in a variety of industries, including:

• Shipyards
• Steel Mills
• Chemical Plants
• Oil Refineries
• Power Plants
• Drywall Industries

• Construction Industries

Tragically, mesothelioma is not limited just to people who were exposed in plants or industrial settings. Workers who were exposed to asbestos typically carried the dust home on their clothes, thereby exposing their families. I have handled cases for mesothelioma victims who were exposed to asbestos dust as children and did not develop the disease until they were in their 50s.

Mesothelioma cases are difficult to prepare and resolve, and an experienced lawyer is necessary. Prior to opening my own practice, I worked at a firm that only handled asbestos cases. Since that time, I have handled many mesothelioma cases.

In 2002, I tried the last case to go to a jury verdict in West Virginia on liability and damages. That case resulted in the highest single-plaintiff verdict in West Virginia asbestos litigation. To read more, please see my settlements and verdicts page. I have the experience and in-depth understanding that is necessary to competently handle personal injury and wrongful death cases caused by asbestos.

When you contact my firm, you will work closely with me throughout your case. As my client, you will receive the legal counsel you need at every step of the process. If you were diagnosed with mesothelioma or if you lost a loved one to the disease, I can help you receive the compensation you need.

Schedule an appointment, and let me represent you with your Asbestos case today.